Seaboard Federal Credit Union - The smart place for your money!
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Checking Accounts

If you're interested in adding a checking account please email us at or call us at 1 (800) 639-2206.


  • No monthly service charge
  • No minimum balance requirements
  • No per check fees - unlimited check writing
  • Honor pre-authorized drafts such as insurance, utilities, etc...
  • Monthly statement
  • Our debit cards include UChoose rewards points! With UChoose you can earn (1) point for every $2.00 spent each time you use your debit card and sign for your purchases. Click here to learn more.

** Any account that has repeated overdrafts may be closed.


Need a new box of checks? Reorder using Main Street Checks handy web site.

* Just a reminder. When reordering checks, it is very important that you provide Main Street Checks with your most current reorder form for your checks.

VISA Debit Cards

VISA Debit Cards are now available for print at our branches by appointment or ordered via mail by a New Accounts Representative!

For more information on VISA Debit Cards, where to find a SURF ATM, and contact information, click here.