Seaboard Federal Credit Union - The smart place for your money!
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Account Security & Fraud

Security is paramount in protecting the privacy of your account information. Seaboard FCU uses several layers of security including automatic sign-off, password lockout, encryption and firewalls. In addition, the credit union contracts with a nationally recognized Internet security firm to conduct external intrusion audits.

Automatic Sign Off

The credit union recognizes that not all sessions are conducted from your home; therefore it is critical to remember to sign-off to prevent unauthorized access to your account. Our Home Banking system has built-in protection for those occasions when you forget to sign-off. The system will automatically sign-off for you after a predetermined time of inactivity.

Password Lockout

In order to use our Home Banking system, you need a unique password. Home Banking has a safeguard to help stop unauthorized users from entering random passwords in an attempt to gain account access. A user only has 3 attempts to enter the correct password. After 3 failed attempts, the account is placed into a "locked out" status and no further login attempts are allowed.


Seaboard FCU uses different types of technology, such as the Secured Socket Layer (SSL) protocol, to ensure confidentiality of our transactions with members through the Internet. SSL provides secure channels for data transmission through encryption. Seaboard FCU uses the highest level of SSL protocol security currently available. SSL also incorporates the use of digitally signed certificates, which help ensure message integrity by preventing modification to data once transmission is initiated.


Seaboard FCU is protected by a firewall, which is a barrier between the Internet and the credit union's internal computer network. A firewall acts as "traffic cop" and verifies each packet of information coming from the Internet and determines whether to permit access to the credit union's internal systems. Information that is not verified is terminated at the firewall.

Useful Links

Fight Identity Theft

Fight Identity Theft

Find more information on how you can prevent identity theft, and what to do if your identity has been stoen, visit the FTC's Identity Theft and Online Security website.

Phishing Information

Phishing Information

Do you believe that you were a victim of an internet phishing scheme? Report all suspicious contacts to the Federal Trade Commission online at, or by calling 1-877-IDTHEF
