Seaboard Federal Credit Union - The smart place for your money!
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Contact Us

Seaboard is always happy to hear from our members. You can contact us at our toll-free number, 1-800-639-2206, at one of our branches, via e-mail, or using our secure online form provided below.

Emailing Us

For security purposes DO NOT send account numbers, Social Security numbers, or Personal Identification Numbers (PIN) through e-mail. E-mail is not secure.

You can e-mail Seaboard Federal Credit Union from any standard mail client using our e-mail address: Please keep in mind that standard e-mail is not a secure system, and as such you should not include any private or sensitive information, such as account numbers, Social Security numbers, or Personal Identification Numbers (PIN). Most banking transactions cannot be performed via e-mail. Please call or stop into a branch if you have any questions.

Secure Form

The following form is submitted over a secure connection and is encrypted for your security. As with e-mail, most transactions cannot be performed using this form. Please call or visit one of our branches for assistance.

Please include a contact name and phone number or e-mail address so we can respond to your message.